Miscellaneous Fees

Other charges


List of fees for the school year 2024-2025





1st Semester

2nd Semester

Tuition Fee

AM class : $0

Whole Day class : $10,200(Total 10 installments)

$1,000 per month

Meal Fee

$450 per month

Snack Fee

Morning class : $100 per month (September-June)

Whole Day class : $150 per month (September-June)

K1 Book Miscellaneous Fee


To Be Confirmed

K2 Book Miscellaneous Fee


To Be Confirmed

K3 Book Miscellaneous Fee


To Be Confirmed

School Bag


Summer Uniform


Summer Sportswear


Summer Coat


Winter Uniform


Winter Sportswear


Winter Coat


Winter School Jacket


Administrative fee for replacement


Student Name Badge


Cup, Towel box


Rectangular dish


Student ID Card


Student Smart Card


Student Name Stamp


Plastic pocket




Students’ Activity Photo


Plastic Pouch for school notice



List of fees for the school year 2023-2024




1st Semester

2nd Semester

Tuition Fee

AM class : $0

Whole Day class : $10,000(Total 10 installments)

$1,000 per month

Meal Fee

$450 per month

Snack Fee

Morning class : $100 per month (September-June)

Whole Day class : $150 per month (September-June)

K1 Book Miscellaneous Fee



K2 Book Miscellaneous Fee



K3 Book Miscellaneous Fee



School Bag


Summer Uniform


Summer Sportswear


Summer Coat


Winter Uniform


Winter Sportswear


Winter Coat


Winter School Jacket


Administrative fee for replacement


Student Name Badge


Cup, Towel box


Rectangular dish


Student ID Card


Student Smart Card


Student Name Stamp


Plastic pocket




Students’ Activity Photo


Plastic Pouch for school notice


*Our kindergarten is joining the Free Quality KG Education Scheme, so tuition fees of AM class is $0.