Vision & Mission

Core Values of Catholic Education

With a determination to carry on the contribution of the Catholic Church to education, a Catholic School, as its vision and mission, shall uphold and pass on the following core values to young people to prepare them properly for their life and future responsibilities –



Truth: It is what the human intellect is searching for.

Justice: It is the moral virtue that consists of a constant and resolute will to give to God and one’s neighbours their due.

Love: It is the greatest of all virtues.

Life: It is a priceless gift from God and is sacred in itself.

Family: It is the basic unit of society.




A Catholic School shall cultivate the above core values by –

a) upholding the time-honoured practice of respecting and collaborating with stakeholders with diverse backgrounds in achieving the School’s vision and mission, in the awareness that the success of education depends on the joint effort of all parties concerned;

b) providing a family environment imbued with mutual trust and love in the School; and

c) incorporating in the formal school curriculum Religious Education courses designed by the SSB, and fostering a Catholic spirit through religious practices held regularly in the School, such as morning prayers and religious activities held regularly for staff and pupils.


School Vision

Our vision is to emulate our patron St. Stephen’s care for the community by helping others and inspiring children to appreciate and respect life.


School Mission

Our school is committed to demonstrating the spirit of fraternity by encouraging our students to help the poor, the weak, and each other. Besides fostering intellectual expansion, we nurture independent thinking and a sense of right and wrong to ensure a positive and balanced physical, mental and spiritual development.


School Motto
Respect the Lord, love your neighbour